Thursday, January 6, 2011

The King

The king is the reason why the Kingdom of Camelot has a Great reputation.  The King made it the wonderful place it is.  He gave peace to his people, and himself.  King Arthur is a loyal, and trustworthy king.  He is a gentleman to the ladys.  He treats his people with the repect that they give him.  He would die for his people

“This is the heart of Camelot, not these stones, not these timbers, these palaces and towers. Burn them all and Camelot lives on, because it lives in us. Camelot is a belief that we hold in our hearts.”
“What we hold to be right, and good, and true IS right and good and true for all men. Otherwise we're just another robber tribe.”

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Heart and Soul

King Arthur to me is the center of his Kingdom.  To start off he build Camelot from the ground up, with blood, sweat, and tears.  He is the heart of the movie First Knight.  He represents the heart of Camelot by his action.  He treats his people the same respect that he would won’t to be given.  He would give his own life, but would not give up his people or Camelot.  He is a true king; he is the heart of Camelot.  He is the soul of Camelot.  He believes that Camelot is not just a kingdom or a place.  It is a way of life; it is a way of thinking.  He believes that if Camelot was burnt to the ground that its people would remain.  He is a very spiritual person, and it is seen through the movie.  Camelot because of King Arthur’s beliefs makes the feel of Camelot warm and peaceful.  Due to Arthur kind soul makes the people of Camelot the great people they are. 
A quote by King Arthur “I have no pride left in me. What I do, now I do for my people and for Camelot. And may they forgive me. This is my last act as your king. Do not be afraid. All things change. I am Arthur of Camelot, and I command you now... all... To fight! Fight like you've never fought before! Never surrender! Never Surrender! Fight as you never...”



King Arthur is a very respectful gentleman to the ladies.  Due to the fact that the knight Code of Chivalry, states that he must treat a lady with respect.  He is also the king which makes him a figure that everyone looks up to for respect.  The Gentleman side of him comes out toward Lady Guinevere.  He ask her for her hand in marriage, and patiently awaits for her answer.  He sends his most trusted knights to protect his wife to be.  He is at the front gates await his Lady’s arrive. 
When he gets aware of the felling that she has for Lancelot, he comes to her, and tells her that she don’t have to marry him to protect her city.  That Camelot will protect her, and her city either way it goes.  When Guinevere was kidnapped King Arthur was willing to give his own life for her.

A great quote that shows his charm, and gentleman like quality. Is when he says “For the first in my life, I wanted what all wise man say can't last; what can't be promised or made to linger any more than sunlight. I don't want to die without having felt its warmth on my face.”

He Reps his city

King Arthur is a very loyal to his city.  His talk of Camelot like it is his child; Camelot is more than a city to him.  Arthur saw Camelot as a way of life not as a place.  He said when Guinevere was kidnapped Arthur said he would give his life, but he could not give up Camelot. Camelot was not his to give. He built Camelot from the grounded up.  He watched Camelot grows from nothing to the mighty empire it became.  King Arthur believed that Camelot was alive, that it was a way of thinking not just a mighty and strong empire.  The people inside the city were caring towards one another.  King Arthur would put his own life on the line for his kingdom.  One of my favorite quotes in the movie the First Knight is the one when King Arthur said This is the heart of Camelot, not these stones, not these timbers, these palaces and towers. Burn them all and Camelot lives on, because it lives in us. Camelot is a belief that we hold in our hearts.”  King Arthur put all of his soul, and his being into the great city of Camelot.